Mahindra 575 DI – Specification, Features, Price, News Updates.

Mahindra 575 DI is one of the most preferred tractors because of the value it provides to its customer. Mahindra 575 DI has 4 Cylinders, with a 2730cc Diesel engine with a power output of 45 Horsepower. It is installed with a powerful engine which is well efficient and runs longer and provides the best possible output. The tractor is well equipped with advanced hydraulics which allows the use of modern farm equipment such as threshers, Rotavators, MB Plough etc. 

The tractor has a lifting capacity of 1600 kg, which helps it to perform heavy activities. The tractor is well designed to perform 30 plus activities across from farming and road use. Mahindra 575 DI is one of the most used tractors in India for crops like Cotton, Sugarcane Wheat etc. It is a perfect tractor for performing primary and secondary tillage operations. For more detail information on Mahindra 575 DI price, update, specifications and features do visit our page Tractorguru.


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